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To provide the unique, reliable, friendly and reassuring service to pet families that I would appreciate myself.Melbourne Victoria 3131
Belgian Shepherds are not a dog to be left to their own devices, locked in a backyard. They thrive on the affections of a family.Medina Western Australia 6167
Black Russian Terriers breed description supplied by Homestead Kennels.This is a large dog - some males can weigh 60kgs or more.Melbourne Victoria 3115
Solve your pet toilet problems with style! We have a range of innovative products to help you with the undesirable mess, including training pads, indoor pet toilets, sanitary belts, dog underwear and poo pouches.Australia Wide 6964
CLASSES RESTARTED: Our training ground has returned to Cambrian Way Reserve, Cambrian Way, Melton WestVictoria 3337
In the beginning Mastiffs were used but Gamekeepers found the Mastiff was too large and cumbersome and unfortunately didn't leave too much of the poachers behind. (Supplied by Opalguard Bullmastiffs)New South Wales 2340