A pet commitment ceremony
If puppies could speak, maybe they would say to their new family something like:
"Treat me kindly, my beloved new coach, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for your kindness than mine.
”Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, I will learn much more from your patience and understanding.”
Such a beautiful, cute, cuddly new puppy has joined the household totally trusting of everybody but needing lots of attention for the life of the dog. The family’s commitment to the dog could be:
"We are so glad to have you as part of our family, and we will look after you for your whole life. We will take you to puppy classes and train you. We will feed you, brush you, play with you and walk you, even if we don’t have that much time to spare. All you have to do dear puppy is be a companion and a friend”.
A puppy is a family member for their life, which can often be more than 15 years; a long time to look after puppy, in good times and bad, in sickness and health – the fun and the pain, the niceties and the problems.
Our commitment ceremony makes the puppy’s arrival something really special where all members of the family openly recognise the responsibility they will take towards the puppy’s welfare and upkeep.
During the practical part of the session, we help with getting the puppy settled, discuss sleeping and feeding arrangements, and show how to toilet train and how to stop all those typical puppy things like jumping, nipping and chasing. We can include recommendations on the types of equipment and toys available. The discussion will continue with the family to set the house rules together so that puppy has consistency, and commitment from everybody involved. We also have a handout available that has been prepared by a professional dog trainer.
We conclude with a small ceremony where each family member says a few words of welcome to the new puppy, everybody promises to look after the four-legged fur ball and sign a pact of promise. This will be returned to the family, framed, with a picture of the family with their new puppy. What a great reminder for all the family that a puppy is a commitment for life.
The ceremony can be designed to suit each family’s personal needs and budget, and can include nametags or personalised bowls, a tea party or banquet! The event should be very positive and memorable for all the family and friends, resembling a naming and wedding ceremony rolled into one, but it will be the corner stone of the family’s commitment to the new arrival.
We welcome to tailor your commitment ceremony, so please contact Susan by email on info@celebrantsolutions.com.au or call her on