When you need someone to look after your dog, there is a difference between 'dog minding and 'pet sitting'.
It will help when contacting a business - to know what they offer and what you need.
And if you're in Melbourne this weekend Friday May 2 - May 4 - you can talk to Lonely Pets Club at the 2014 Dog Lovers Show at the Royal Exhibition Building. The Dog Lovers Show has also provided Oz Doggy with 5 free double pass tickets! - so the first 5 people to email reply to this email with name and contact phone number will win a FREE double pass which you can collect on the door. (Please - only reply if you can go this weekend in Melbourne - and be quick!) We'll announce when tickets have been given away on https://www.facebook.com/OzDoggy
Pet sitting is a growth service due to it's 'at home' nature. Here's why you might use a pet sitting service
- Sometimes called 'pet visiting' - your pet stays at your home.
- If you are holidaying, your pets are happier and experience less stress by staying in their own familiar environment.
- Your pets will be at less risk from contagious diseases (such as kennel cough and cat flu) and parasites, which can be picked up at kennels.
- You will save time not having to transport your pets to kennels.
- Most pet sitting services will take out your bins, bring in your mail and security check your home whilst they visit your pets.
- By providing your dog with regular exercise, you will have a healthier, happier (grateful!) pet.
Lonely Pets Club care for pets in Melbourne, Perth, Hobart and Sydney. Since 2003 Lonely Pets Club has made over 293 000 pet visits and has been listed on Oz Doggy for over 6 years.
Oz Doggy recommends establishing an ongoing relationship with a pet sitter or dog minder. It is good for you AND your pet. See our
Dog Minders page and
Pet Sitting pages for more local service providers
Regards Paul @ Oz Doggy