Dog growling
Hi, my Staffordshire cross is 9 months old and is a lovely dog except sometimes, when I give him a cuddle he will give off a growl only with myself. My husband feeds both dogs most of the time but I also do it and I give them treats and do a bit of training with them each day. My other dog is perfectly fine but is older. He seems to have a bit of fear of me and it worries me that he might fear me that much he could lash out?? I just want to know how I can show him I am more dominant than him and higher up but also that I would never hurt him and do this through training?? Any tips?? Thank you.
Posted: 14/09/2007
Answer: Dog growling.
Staffy's are super sensitive and you quite correct in everything you have said. I think it is important to not let your guard down, but not push to hard. Maybe instead of full on cuddles go for paw strokes, back massages (all my dogs LOVE them!) ear tickles etc .. but stay away from cuddles at the moment. Work your way up to more full on contact slowly and steadily. I think it would be a great idea for you to actually enrol in a weekly dog training class and use this as some great one on one bonding time.
Posted: 28/09/2007