fighting dogs,desexed already PLEASE HELP

fighting dogs,desexed already PLEASE HELP

We have 2 pups,male,desexed.They cry if seperated,and are ok most of the time, but get into big fights usually over pigs ear or similar.They are in an enclosure,purpose built,and I am not home all the time.They are brothers, breeder lied &told me it would be fine.Please help, don't want to get rid of one! Crystal
Posted: 22/09/2006

Answer: fighting dogs,desexed already PLEASE HELP
I assume they are Terriers of some sort? This sounds like very typical behavior if so. You really need to define one dog as top dog, as they will struggle with each other to sort it out themselves. I don't feel this is mean in any way as all dogs live happily in a pack environment. And all packs have leaders. Basically top dog should be fed first, maybe be walked on a slightly longer lead etc. They should be rather comfortable with this arrangement after time as they will know their place. It will take a while, but it should solve your problems eventually.
Posted: 27/09/2006

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