Dog digging plants & eating mail

Dog digging plants & eating mail

Our 16 month old Maremma is being really naughty. He is digging our yard, chewing plants and pots, and shredding our mail. We walk him a few times a week, and often give him bones to keep him entertained. Any help you can give would be hugely appreciated. Thanks
Posted: 21/08/2006

Answer: Dog digging plants & eating mail
From what I know of this breed they are incredibly intelligent, and coupled with the fact they are a working dog - you may have to step up your entertainment skills. If you are not able to walk him daily are you able to employ a dog walker a few times a week, so he can get out and have a good run and play? You should also get really creative in the back yard. As I generally suggest: a sandpit filled with toys, bones, and treats (converts to a pool in summer!), boxes (e.g. wine cask?) filled with treats that he can rip open, super huge bones that will last days instead of hours. Leaving a radio on in ear shot can also offer your destructive boy some company within the day.
Posted: 28/08/2006

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