Trouble walking my Staffy X
I have a 7 yr old Staffy x i got him from the pound when he was 7 mths old and i have always had trouble walking him he wont just walk and becomes very vocal, like making yelping/howling noises i think it is just anxiety but he has never stopped it even when i have offered treats while walking it doesnt change him i now have a staffy pup but i cant walk them together because my x breed is so highly strung what can i do to make him easier to walk
Posted: 25/07/2006
Answer: cant walk my staffyx
Do you know if anything ever happened to your pup to bring on these walking troubles? I think you should change your approach. Buy a new lead and a new type of collar. Instead of walking, drive yourself and pooch to a dog friendly park. Allow pooch to run around and then try attaching lead. See if tricking your Staffy in to walking does the job.
Posted: 15/08/2006