Question: Help my Jack Russell
Question: Help my Jack
Hi I have been given a pure Jack russellhe is 5 years old I have had him for 1 week he is agrssive towards other dogs piddles in the house and is extremly extrmly frightened of storms help me please
Posted: 27/11/2005
Answer: Help my Jack
I know your problem all to well! I highly suggest you get a couple of one on one lessons with a professional trainer, who understands the mind of a Jack. They are very highly strung, and it will take a lot of patience and hard work at your end. But it will be so worth it! You must try to take him to a local dog park as often as possible and just keep him on the lead. The more he see's other dogs, the more his anxiety and agression towards them will reduce. You could also look in to 'crate training' for him. There is lots of info about this on the web. For example: rticles.html . This will help him with the storms, if the technique is executed correctly. I was once told 'Jacks don't want or need to think, they just need to be told. Over and over again!!' Please email me if you need any further help.
Posted: 28/11/2005