Skinny Norwegian Elkhound, Perth (WA

Skinny Norwegian Elkhound, Perth (WA

I have a 2yr old neutered female Norwegian Elkhound, I am feeding her 2 cups of Eukanuba for medium adults once daily, she is fairly active and she is being treated with Advocate every month and preventative tapeworm tablets every 3mths. But I can't seem to get her to put on weight, I can feel her ribs, hips and back bone through her fur. When I took her to the vet for her yearly booster vaccination, the vet said she was of good weight but I'm not too sure (she weighed 16kgs at the time). Should I take her back to the vet or just up her daily food ration?
Posted: 29/09/2008

ANSWER: Skinny Norwegian Elkhound, Perth (WA)
16kg sounds a few kgs under weight. Generally breeders and show dogs are kept quite skinny in comparison to how a pet dog may look (a bit chunkier!). I would defiantly suggest adding some more protein to her diet. Try some raw kangaroo meat, about a handful with dry food for dinner. Any lean meat should do the job.
Posted: 03/10/2008


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