Dog licking, Melbourne

Dog licking, Melbourne

Hi just wanted to know why my dog tends lick my other dog on the back in the same spot for hours! She doesn't mind, but i didn't know whether he was asserting dominance or just being over friendly. They are about 15 and are brother and sister, he sometimes lets her know he is alpha dog but my mum is a little concerned.
Posted: 08/06/2008

Answer: Dog licking, Melbourne
Ohhh! Sweet! I wouldn?t be tooo concerned. It's hard to know exactly why the do it, but it can generally be associated with good things. A lot of my dogs lovingly lick and groom each other in the back of the car after a big frolic at the park. Considering they are brother and sister I would assume its a bonding and caring excersie for them both to enjoy. Just make sure that the lick spot doesn?t develop a sore or hot spot!
Posted: 21/06/2008


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