Dog behaviour probs or is it normal? NSW Penrith
Hi We have recently got a male rescue pet 5 months old from an abusive begining. He is going be a big dog Rotti X. We have bought him into our home with our female desexed Rotti x and our beloved cat. My problem is he is snapping. Could this be the breed or is it a dominant behaviour. My other dog is clearly dominant at present and our new addition leaves the cat alone, but he will snap at our fingers if we touch the other animals. Neither dog will let us pat the other, they shove, and the new addition will gently snap. Because of his abusive past we are not sure how to break this habit or will it break itself. Cheers Penrith
Posted: 19/05/2008
Answer: Behaviour probs or is it normal? NSW Penrith
Sounds like you have your hands full! At 5 months old you would hope that any taught behaviour can be un-taught. In your case I would suggest ignoring the unwanted behaviour and reward the good. For example, if you are having a pat with both dogs and a nip starts immediately and quietly walk right away with out notice. Don?t engage in any communication with either dog for around 5 minutes. Have treats in your pocket and really go over the top with praise the minute you get the desired response, e.g. if you pat your other dog with no drama. He should start to realise the sharing you results in good things and the nipping behaviour should eventually be forgotten. Timing in reward or ignoring is the key.
Posted: 19/05/2008