Jack Russell Unsocial behaviour
I have a 7 month old Jack Russell whom I love to death. We don't have many other dogs where we live so I take him to the dog park to socialize but it seems that the more time he spends with other dogs the less social he is. Now I can't take him out without him barking madly at his reflection in shop windows thinking it's another dog. He's so easily wound up and sensitive - I have resorted to smacking him on the bottom but I know it only makes it worse! Please help me.
Posted: 20/03/2008
Answer: Unsocial behaviour
Ah ha ha! Ohhhh .. I have sympathy pains! Firstly: proper socialization is new experiences, new people, new dogs, new new new .. and unfortunately, with a Jack Russell you have to turn it up a notch! Yes, smacking him only tells him that his anti social behaviour is ok cause you do it to him! Take a brand you spin on the whole situation: find new parks, walks, and heavily populated areas to walk him. I know he will carry on and create fuss BUT you must must must reward every hint or suggestion of good behaviour the second it rears his head. Pack some liver treats and have your hand in the pack ready to pounce, make such a big deal about his good behaviour that you are literally dancing in the middle of the park / path / street with him. It wont be a quick fix although eventually you will reap the rewards.
Posted: 04/04/2008